How Education Administrators Communicate Support To Their Teachers

Written by Abena Sey

October 17, 2020

It is important for education administrators to communicate support to their teachers.  This can be achieved through creating a culture of collaboration.  Teachers will feel validated and safe to contribute their ideas when they know that they will be heard and supported by their administration.  A collaborative environment results when teachers are included and know their role to support the goals of the school.  

In a study by Aslanargun (2015), it was discovered that relationships between school administration and teachers is strengthened by communication and the principal’s demonstration of support of his/her teachers.  The intent of this study was to determine teachers’ expectations from school principals to enhance job performance.  Generally, teachers “displayed appreciation, support, and harmony towards their principals” when they felt satisfied by their principal’s communication of appreciation, respect, and support towards them.  This reciprocal display of respectful behaviour has positive impacts on the relationship between teachers and their principal, and thus impacts the work effort of teachers.   

Another strategy to communicate support is seeking the opinions of teachers and creating collaborative relationships amongst teachers.  These are strong motivational factors for teachers that increase trust (Büyükgöze, 2016).  From this qualitative research study, Büyükgöze proved “the main characteristics of an effective school principal (...) are listening to [teachers’] ideas, being alert to the social environment, being willing to take responsibility, being diplomatic and tactful, and being organized” (2016).  Education administrators also communicate support by leading collaboratively, cooperatively, and decisively, “seeking [teachers’] multidimensional satisfaction, and focusing on students’ needs” (Büyükgöze 2016).  In a collaborative environment, teachers are empowered to contribute ideas and feel a greater sense of participation in decisions regarding the school.  This will help increase teachers’ accountability to their administration.  Teachers feel secure when they can trust their administrator, and thrive when support and requests for their opinions in school decisions are communicated (Balyer 2017).  

In your efforts to build teachers’ capacity for effective teaching and accountability, it is good practice to communicate support.  Supportive school leaders help their teachers thrive as practitioners, which results in academic achievement in their students.  Students win when teachers are supported! 


Aslanargun, E. (2015). Teachers’ expectations and school administration: Keys of better communication in schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 60, 17-34 Doi: 10.14689/ejer.2015.60.2

Balyer, A.  Trust in School Principals: Teachers' Opinions.  Journal of Education and Learning, v6 n2 p317-325 2017

Büyükgöze, H.  Understanding Effectiveness in School Administration: A Discourse Analysis Acta Didactica Napocensia, v9 n3 p67-76 2016