Considerations For Choosing an Online Learning Program

Written By Abena Sey

August 3, 2020

Choosing an online learning program is a decision that you should not take lightly.  While there are many benefits in choosing distance education, and a variety of institutions offering this type of programming, not all programs are created equally.  In fact, not all programs may be the correct fit for your training and development goals or for your personal circumstances.  The following are questions to consider when deciding whether or not online learning is for you and what type of online learning programming works best for you

Is Online Learning For You?

The first step is to decide whether or not online learning is the right educational path for you.  Answer the following 10 self-reflective questions to help guide your decision:

1. What are your learning goals and what type of industry do they fall under?

2. How much time can you commit to your studies? 

3. Do you have dependents, and are they supportive of your decision? How will committing to online learning impact your family obligations?

4. Are you working full-time? How will committing to online learning impact your work obligations?

5. How much can you afford to finance your education?  What are your financing options?  Does your place of work offer funds for employees who would like to further their education?

6. Do you have access to reliable technology and Wi-Fi?

7. In what time frame do you hope to complete your studies? Is completing your degree time-sensitive?

8. What are the specific employment benefits in your current job to you in pursuing further education?  What weight do you place on these benefits?

9. How will completing your studies personally benefit you?  What weight do you place on these benefits?

10. What are the employment prospects for you in pursuing these studies?

The weight you give each question is personal, but they will give you insight towards your motivations behind pursuing further education in online learning.  If your answers to the above mentioned questions point you in a positive direction for choosing online learning, then your next step is to choose an institution and a program to help you meet your learning goals.