What Is Teacher Burnout?

Written by Abena Sey

December 30, 2021

I would like to share some insight on teacher burnout.  To give you a better understanding of this experience, I'll start by sharing information on the definition of job burnout and how this is demonstrated in the field of education.  

What Is Job Burnout?

According to the Mayo Clinic, job burnout is work related stress.  While it is not a medical diagnosis, job burnout manifests itself in exhaustion and reduced productivity.  It can appear in workers of any field, and medical experts share that each person’s response to burnout is different.  Please consider reading the Mayo Clinic’s article for more information about symptoms, causes, and how to get help if what you are experiencing causes you harm.

The teaching profession is inherently one that requires giving of time, energy, and love, and oftentimes going above and beyond the call of duty.  We love our students and want to do our very best to help them attain personal success.  We think about our students and ways that we can meet their needs.  Self-reflection about our teaching practices guides our decision making, and while these noble actions are the marks of excellent teaching, if you do not set appropriate boundaries, all these activities can lead to burnout and feeling unfulfilled in both your personal and professional life.  This is known as teacher burnout.

What is teacher burnout?

Sometimes burnout is the result of a trying school year.  External factors, such as crises or challenges in the community may manifest themselves in your classroom and school community.  Sometimes you may be asked to do more work, and you feel overwhelmed by these extra expectations.  Sometimes burnout is a result of personal dissatisfaction with where you are in your career or boredom with your current assignment.  A difficult class can also have impacts on your physical and emotional well-being, and if you do not have support, you will feel isolated and hopeless.

Fortunately, there is hope.  At some point in your career, you will experience some degree of burnout, and if you desire to stay in this field, you must apply the right strategies to cope and eventually find joy in your work.  

