3 Tips To Increase Your Value At Work

Written By Abena Sey

January 11, 2022

If you desire to grow in your field, you should consider the ways you can increase your skill set to bring value to your organization.  Growing professionally and personally results in you being a valuable employee.  Here are 3 tips to help you increase your value at work and beyond. 

1 - Be A Positive Person

As you move through your work day, always aim to display positivity in your interactions with your colleagues and or clients.  In your oral and written communications, remain cordial, even in cases where you have to be direct.  When having difficult conversations, make your point, but choose to be respectful, especially in your written communications.  Communicating with a positive attitude and in a professional tone can help you in times of conflict.  When in a situation such as this, frame your response positively by providing possible solutions to the problem and presenting data to support your contentions.  A response presented in this manner turns a challenging situation into a hopeful one.  Choose to be solutions-minded.  Doing so not only reduces the impact of a challenge, e.g., complaints, conflict and stagnation, but also turns it into an opportunity for you to use your creativity and leadership.  

2 - Stay Current

Value increases when your skills increase, so it is important to stay current with what’s new in your field and to acquire new skills. You will make yourself a valuable employee when you can demonstrate expertise in your area of work and can offer your knowledge to solve problems.  You can achieve this through professional development opportunities offered by your organization.  Some organizations choose the workshops for employees to attend, while others may have funds available for employees to choose their own professional development path.  While courses, seminars, and workshops can provide excellent certifications and knowledge building for participants, you can also gain insight from the books, experiences and resources shared by your professional network.  There is also a ton of free content shared by professionals or thought-leaders in your field that you admireChoose to grow in your field daily.  Not only will this make you a valuable employee, but it will also keep you inspired and passionate about your workPassion inspires creativity, and being creative helps you produce your best work.

3 - Be Helpful

You will bring value to your organization and fellow colleagues when you offer to help.  Not only will you contribute to a positive culture in your work environment, but you will also earn a positive reputation amongst your colleagues.  Another benefit to sharing your expertise to help others is that you will develop your skill set even further.  As your skills increase, so will your confidence.  There are benefits to you and those you help.  You may also grow by taking on projects that will challenge you and help you to grow in your field, and ultimately increase your value at work.  You will have the confidence to pursue new opportunities that arise.

Be positive, stay current and be helpful in your organization to develop professionally and personally, and to prove yourself a valuable employee.  Take advantage of every opportunity available to you to grow in your career.