Want to Know How to Set Goals That You Can Achieve? Follow These 7 Steps

Written By Abena Sey

December 18, 2022

As the new year approaches, it is often a time of reflection on the previous year’s activities.  Doing so may stir up various feelings about the time that has passed and what may have transpired during the year.  Whether you are feeling satisfied about what you were able to accomplish during the year or discouraged from the lack of accomplishments, choose an attitude of gratitude for the ability to make the changes you would like to see in the next year.  You can be hopeful, and even excited, about the upcoming year, if you set goals and make plans for how to achieve them.  

1 - Reflect on your previous goal setting period (i.e., previous year, month or week), and make decisions about what you would like to achieve for this period.  Plan out what can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time.  You may have a big goal that can be realized in accomplishing smaller aspects of your big goal.  Set reasonable expectations about when you can achieve them and the steps you will take to make progress.

2 - Set specific goals and apply a deadline to achieve them.  Ensure that your goals are as clear and specific to you as possible.  If your goals are vague, you will have vague outcomes.  Having clarity results in you having peace of mind and more focus.   

3 - Ensure that your goals are achievable given the time and resources you have at hand.  

4 - Set realistic goals and specific indicators to measure your progress.

5 - Write your goals down, and keep them visible to you.  List your goals and track your progress towards achieving them.  Choose the format that works best for you.  You can use a digital or a physical planner or notebook to keep organized, focused and motivated.

6 - Stay encouraged.  If you get off track, dust yourself off and keep going.  Revisit your goals, reflect on your progress thus far, and make the decision to keep working towards your goals.

7 - Find a community of like-minded people to keep yourself supported during this time.  You will be motivated to continue towards your goals by those who share their stories of success and what they did to overcome trials.  You can also offer your stories in the community to support others.
Goal setting is a process that requires intentional planning.  With these 7 steps, you can progress towards the target you set for the new year and beyond.  These strategies can be applied anytime you desire to make changes for your personal success.  For more information about S.M.A.R.T. goal planning and personal success, you can visit the following website.