10 Tips To Engage Your Students In French Language Learning

Written by Abena Sey

February 27, 2022

Bonjour, je m'appelle Mme. Sey! I'm a French Immersion Teacher who is passionate about helping French learners build their literacy skills en français.  My students are growing as French language learners, and I believe this is due to the strategies I use to foster a language rich learning environment for my students.  Here are 10 strategies that I use to help my students develop French speaking skills.  These strategies can be applied when teaching learners of any language. I believe that using all these strategies is helpful to language learners of all ages achieve their goals.

Tip #1: Use Visuals

This helps learners make a connection between the new vocabulary and its meaning.  This is especially helpful for your visual learners.  Visuals make it easier for students to make meaning to increase their vocabulary.

Tip #2: Use Repetition

Encourage learners to repeat new vocabulary or phrases after you. Correct their pronunciation, as needed.

Tip #3: Use Voice Inflection

I use this to break up words into syllables. This helps learners with pronunciation of longer words or phrases.

Tip #4: Celebrate Their French Speaking Efforts

Not only is this encouraging for my students, it's also encouraging for me to see that they're speaking and identifying the French vocabulary we have practiced.  Seeing this progress takes time and dedication, but the results are worth the effort.

Tip #5: Speak To Your Students In French To Develop Their Listening Skills  

You want to create a sense of familiarity with the language. In doing so, they will learn how the language works, different vocabulary, and expressions.  All of this knowledge leads to language comprehension.

Tip #6: Give Learners Opportunities To Speak To Develop Their Oral Skills

This gives extra practice for learners to apply the vocabulary they are learning with you and their peers.  It also helps to reduce any barriers to speaking, such as shyness or low confidence.

Tip #7: Give Learners Opportunities To Write In The Language

There is a connection between oral language mastery and writing.  Writing in the language also supports reading.

Tip #8: Introduce New Vocabulary

In order for learners to build language skills they need a large vocabulary.

Tip #9: Use Actions To Reinforce Comprehension Of New Vocabulary

As much as possible, incorporate movement. This is especially helpful to engage young learners in vocabulary-building activities.  Learners will make the connection to the meaning of the vocabulary and the actions related to the vocabulary

Tip #10: Create A Safe Space To Make Mistakes

French is my second language, so I understand the mental roadblocks that can hinder a learner's progress.  I help my students overcome these roadblocks by modeling strategies for learning and speaking French vocabulary.  Above all else, learners need to feel safe making mistakes in your classroom.  Mistakes are powerful tools to foster learning.  Teach your students to embrace making mistakes, and to learn from them.

For more resources or to connect with me visit: www.seyeducation.com OR use any of my free resources to help your learners grow as French language learners, too!