5 Habits To Form A Positive Mindset

Written By Abena Sey

October 4, 2020 

Having a positive mindset will help you skillfully move through your day. When you are equipped with a positive attitude, it will help you respond appropriately to each situation that you experienceIn fact, a positive mindset releases your creativity, because you will see challenges as opportunities for growth.  A positive person sees each challenge as a learning opportunity, and from each success or lesson learned from the challenge, they store this knowledge in their toolbelt to confidently face future challenges.  Developing a positive mindset is the result of success habits and skills that you actively work on each day.  Here are 5 habits that can help you become a more positive person.

1 - Focus On The Truth

In the course of your day, you will encounter many interactions for which having the wrong perspective can turn them into a negative experience.  If you don’t check your mindset, a small setback or upset can be magnified into a crisis.  Instead, choose to focus on the truth of your experience.  Focusing on what is true, choose to remain positive and do the next best thing to counter the negativity with positivity.  You do not want your creativity thwarted by dwelling on negativity.  Negative thinking is a distraction.  Make the choice to not focus on distractions, but rather focus all your energy on what is most helpful to attaining your goals.

2 - Increase Your Confidence By Increasing Your Knowledge

When you demonstrate knowledge and expertise in your industry, you will naturally convey confidence and develop a positive mindset.  This is a habit that you can work on daily by building your skills and acquiring resources.  You will have a positive outlook when you experience challenges, because you have the knowledge and resources to create solutions quickly.  You will also have the courage to face the unknown.  You will approach problems hopefully and focus on succeeding.  Positive people use all their tools and resources, and seek help when they are stuck.  They know that they can find the solutions to problems, because they devote time to increasing their knowledge.

3 - Be Unconditionally Helpful, But Don’t Be Taken For Granted        

You will experience joy when you give your time and service to others without conditions attached.  Sometimes the recipient of your help may not express appreciation for it in a way that you feel it deserves.  To spare yourself feelings of resentment, offer help to those who ask without expectation.  Having a positive attitude would include giving without having expectation for reciprocation.  Derive joy from being able to help others.  Do not let your joy be dependent on another person’s actions, because in doing so, you set yourself up for disappointment.  You may also choose to say no to certain requests, especially if you are being taken for granted.  You have the right to protect your time and energy.  You will maintain a positive attitude if you know that your time and resources are being used in a way that leaves you energized and not depleted.

4 - Stay Focused On Your Goals

Positive people are goal setters, and take daily actions towards achieving their goals.  They make personal and professional goals, and determine the appropriate actions to achieve them.  By focusing your energy on goal attainment, you remain hopeful for positive outcomes for your future.  Being future-oriented helps you to not dwell on your current circumstance or experience.  No matter what comes your way, you will find the courage to quickly transition from focusing on your current experience to doing work that helps you achieve your goals.  Setbacks are considered temporary pauses or periods of discouragement, but they don’t stop a positive person from remaining hopeful.  During a setback, take the time to reflect, plan, modify, and move forward positively.  Remain calm and collected when you experience challenges, because the people around you will feed off your energy.  Your positive attitude will result in the execution of problem-solving strategies.  A challenge faced now potentially becomes an opportunity!

5 - Stay In The Company Of Positive People

It is important for you to stay in the company of positive people.  When you surround yourself with like-minded people, you will naturally feed off their energy.  Create these relationships both physically and virtually.  Virtual connections can happen through social media, or receiving mentorship or inspiration through motivational content.   Fill yourself with positive content, and actively choose to reduce or avoid negative content as much as possible.  Be very selective about the people you choose to spend the most time with.  Actively seek out relationships with positive people and make a decision to end negative relationships.  The company you keep has impacts on your attitude, so keep it positive.

A positive mindset will help you achieve your goals, embrace challenges, solve problems, and lead others skillfully.  To achieve a positive mindset, you have to work on it daily.  Choose habits that help you develop a focused, resilient, and hopeful attitude, because with a positive mindset you can effectively respond to conflict and move through life joyfully.