Worth The Wait -- Why I Waited 10 Years To Pursue My Graduate Degree

Written By Abena Sey

August 17, 2020

Online learning helped me achieve my dreams.  I proudly completed my Master of Education in an online graduate program, thirteen years after completing my Bachelor of Education degree program in a traditional in-class undergraduate program.  Both of these Canadian universities gave me a world-class education, as I was able to learn from instructors and learn with colleagues from all over the world, who had a variety of experiences and backgrounds.  I completed both programs feeling personal satisfaction from my learning experiences, increased passion for my field, and the confidence to apply what I had learned to my practice.  I am a lifelong learner, and I enjoy learning with like-minded individuals.  Given this fact, it begs asking why I waited ten years to pursue my graduate degree?  The quick answer is life’s various changes.

Right after I completed my first degree, my husband and I moved to a new city to start our careers.  While this move was exciting, our new city did not have a post-secondary school where I could potentially pursue a graduate degree.  I had to put my dream of going back to school on hold.  As time passed, I became a mother to two beautiful children, and I devoted time to caring for them which meant that by this time I was balancing a full-time job as a teacher while being a mother of small children.  As you can imagine, I was extremely busy.  

A few years into my teaching career, I learned of an opportunity to participate in a graduate program, that would have required me to spend the entire summer in another city away from my family.  Travelling to attend graduate school for an extended length of time away from my family was not an option for me.  Although I was disappointed at missing this opportunity, I continued giving my all to my career and my family, still keeping this dream alive.  I knew that if the right opportunity presented itself, I would eventually go back to school.  I must also confess that at that time, I was not exactly clear on what area of concentration I wanted to study and where I could do it.  I was located far away from universities, and I felt discouraged that I would even be able to go back to school unless we moved.  Again, moving was not an option, especially since we enjoyed our careers and our community.

Several years later, I learned about graduate programs offered exclusively online from various reputable Canadian universities.  I became hopeful that I could realize my dreams again.  The flexibility of pursuing graduate studies online opened up a wealth of possibilities for me.  I was able to balance my professional and personal life all while attending full-time studies in my current location.  This was the solution to the challenge I faced living in a remote location away from a university.   

For more, click on the following link to access “Your Guide To Online Learning Success: Strategies To Help You Achieve Personal Success As An Online Student” By Abena Sey B.Ed, M.Ed