10 Skills I Mastered From Online Learning

Written By Abena Sey

August 6, 2020

As a graduate student, I developed invaluable leadership skills that I attribute to pursuing my studies through online programming at a reputable Canadian institution.  By design, online learning requires a high degree of independence, because the pacing of the program is self-directed.  Aside from a handful of scheduled live presentations, over the three-year duration of my program, it was largely asynchronous.  An asynchronous design gave me the flexibility I needed to balance full-time work, my family, and other obligations.  This also meant that I was in charge of my learning experience.  As empowering as that was, it was also a little intimidating at first.  To illustrate, I had to make sense of a plethora of information shared by my instructor and cohort members.  Over time, I developed strategies and routines to manage this and attained great success.  Not only did I increase my expertise in my area of concentration, but I also developed an immense passion for curriculum and instructional design and learning theory, and their impacts on learners.  By the end of my degree, I had mastered 10 skills that have helped me progress in my career goals.  What a confidence booster!  It is my desire to share how my personal online learning journey helped make this happen, and show how you can do it, too!  Here are the 10 skills I mastered from pursuing online learning studies:   

1. Time Management

I learned to plan every aspect of my study schedule to maximize efficiency.  I was balancing a full-time work, parenting children, and my other obligations, so time was at a premium.  I needed uninterrupted study time, and implemented time management habits to achieve this.  I explain these time management tips in detail in my previous blog post, Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity As An Online Student.  

2. Organization Skills

I used organizational strategies to manage the communication from my instructors and colleagues, the learning resources for each course, and my at-home workspace.  These habits increased my time management and helped me feel on top of my studies.  I used cloud storage to manage my digital resources and assignments, and this strategy was a game changer for me!  **See my blog post, How I Used Cloud Storage To Organize My Learning Resources As An Online Student. 

3. Analytical Skills

I learned to read analytically and efficiently using the study tools and routines I developed over time.  I also developed study routines to increase my comprehension of the learning material, and save time on my reading in the process.   

4. Collaborative Skills

Being a collegial peer, I learned from my cohort members’ contributions in class discussions and shared my insights with authority.  I had earned the respect of my peers, and they had mine.  I displayed leadership skills in group work assignments, respected deadlines for assignments, and collaborated with my peers to attain success.

5. Presentation Skills

Online learning delivery involves clear communication between instructors and students as well as communication between students in the course.  Effective communication requires presentation skills, and through my online learning journey I was able to develop them. 

6. Problem-Solving Skills

I experienced challenges in my learning journey, but worked skillfully to find resolutions.  I never gave up!  I learned how to quickly resolve the issues I experienced, and always had a positive outlook in challenging times.  With each win, my confidence increased and ultimately, so did my resilience. I can confidently say that I enjoy finding creative solutions to problems.