Teaching During The Pandemic: How To Plan In Times Of Uncertainty

Written by Abena Sey

August 25, 2021


Effective teachers are planners.  It is something that comes to us inherently, because of the nature of our work.  Our students and their families benefit when we are successful in our planning; our own families benefit from the healthy work / life balance that comes from successful planning.  Planning gives us focus, and I believe that we can use this practice to regulate our emotions during times of uncertainty.  Uncertainty is unsettling because it leaves us with unanswered questions and an unclear outlook for the future.  The unanswered questions can leave us feeling confused and discouraged. When planning this school year, consider the following three areas to help guide your teaching during the pandemic.  

1 - Plan For Safety

Safety is of great importance at this time, and should be a strong consideration in all aspects of your classroom management strategies and instruction.  To achieve this, create plans for safety this year.  Your plans for safety should be informed by adherence to health protocol advised by health professionals and your school authority’s recommendations.  Plan ways that you will ensure your safety and that of your students.  Do your research, apply wisdom, and do what you can in your capacity to stay safe.  Some ways to plan for safety may include hand hygiene protocol and disinfection of common areas / resources.  You should also consider how you will protect your personal health and well-being as a teacher.  Be mindful of your physical and mental wellness, and utilize the resources available to support your health goals.  

2 - Plan For Balance

As a teacher, it can be very easy to get bogged down by the pressures and responsibilities that come with our profession.   During this time, there are increased pressures brought on due to the pandemic.  With this in mind, it is critical that you plan ways to achieve balance in your personal and professional life this school year.  What are some routines that you must put in place to achieve this? What boundaries must you set to help you towards this goal?  What are some things that you will prioritize?  What are some things that you can delay or relinquish?  The answers to these questions are certainly personal and situational.  Take some time to think deeply and put your plans in place to achieve balance this school year. 

3 - Plan For Effective Communication

Communication with your colleagues, students and their families should be clear, concise and respectful.  This is of utmost importance when communicating under uncertain circumstances.  To start, you can think about your initial communication with parents prior to school start.  Consider how you will communicate your plans to help their child remain safe and get the most out of their year with you.  Share how parents can support you as well.  In my experience, providing empathetic communication to my students’ parents helped to build trust and cooperation.  Your communication in the classroom is crucial to your success this school yearPlan how you will communicate safety, empathy and care to your students.  While many students will feel happy to return to school to see their teachers and peers after the summer holiday, they may also experience some worries that can be addressed by you with effective communication.  Ensure that your students know the resources available to support them, your expectations for the school year, and your classroom procedures and routines based on safety protocol.  When students know what is expected of them, and that their health and well-being are a priority, they can concentrate on learning.   

Planning provides you clarity, and focusing on safety, balance and communication is one way to achieve peace when things are uncertain. Flexibility is key, however. As things change, your plans need to change to reflect that. This means that your plans are not set in stone, but can be adjusted as needed. Stay informed and current as you plan during a very different and uncertain school year.